
  • Case processing

Source of law

  • Guideline
  • Case number in UDISAK (archive system)

UDI 2010-035V3 Instructions for Embassy personnel collecting DNA samples

1.  Notification

The applicant(s) will receive an order to provide a DNA sample at the Embassy where the application was submitted. The reference person will receive an order to provide a DNA-sample at the local police district in Norway.

The person to be tested (hereafter referred to as “donor”) should be given an appointment to provide a sample at a specific time and date.

If the donor does not show up at the appointment, the Embassy should give the donor one more notification with a new appointment date. If the donor still does not show up at the provided time, we ask that the Embassy inform UDI of this. In such cases, we request to be informed of how and when the donor was attempted notified, and, if applicable, why the donor did not show up. The UDI will then proceed to process the specific case based on the existing information.

2.  Information to the donor

The donor should receive written information about the DNA process when the Embassy notify the donor of the DNA-testing. The Embassy should also inform the donor orally when he or she present themselves at the Embassy to undergo the DNA testing.

The donor should receive the following information:

  • That a DNA analysis is requested, including the purpose of the analysis

  • The DNA analysis will be able to reveal whether the persons being tested are parent/child, siblings, or whether they have other

  • How the sample will be collected from the donor

  • to bring along a valid passport or other identity documents, and a recent passport- sized photographs of the donor

  • That the result of a DNA-analysis will have bearing on the outcome of the application

  • In some cases we need to take a DNA-test husband and wife in order to confirm that they are not siblings or other close

3.  Identity control

The donor must (if possible) identify him- or herself. The test personnel must ensure that the person undergoing DNA testing is the same as the applicant. In case the donor is not the applicant, or the Embassy suspects the donor is not the applicant, we ask the Embassy to inform us of this fact. The UDI would like information as to why the Embassy reached this conclusion along with a statement from the donor and/or the proxy (the person showing up instead of the applicant).

The Embassy must ensure that photocopies of any ID documents are attached to the Sample Declaration Form (SDF), see further bellow. Photocopies must be legible and the picture(s) must be clear, also when photocopied and/or scanned.

We need one recent passport-sized photos of each donor. The donor can be asked to bring that to the appointment or the Embassy can take the photo, or a photo can be printed out from DUF. Most important is that the Embassy make sure that the person undergoing DNA testing is the same as the applicant.

The photo should be stapled onto to the SDF in the designated space, and copies of ID documents should also be attached to the Sample Declaration Form, along with a copy of the passport and/or other identity documents (if any).

One (1) Sample Declaration Form (SDF) must be filled out for each donor.

You will find the Sample Declaration Form as a word document on UDI 2010-035V2. You may download it, and we would appreciate if you could fill it out electronically.

A DNA sample can only be collected from the donor if he or she agrees to undergo DNA testing and signs the Sample Declaration Form.

Please note that it is highly important that the Sample Declaration Form is completed correctly, as the information on the form directly affects the analysis conducted using the sample(s). If the Sample Declaration Form is not properly completed, it will prolong the case processing time and in worst case you will have to redo the test.

The Sample Declaration Form must be filled out, dated and signed by the test personnel (hereafter called “sampler”). For further instructions of how to complete the Sample Declaration Form, see the backside of the form.

If the donor shows up for the appointment but is unwilling to consent to the DNA sampling, the UDI asks that the Embassy takes a statement from the donor as to why he or she does not wish to accept the opportunity to undergo DNA testing. In these instances, too, the UDI will then proceed to process the specific case based on the existing information.

5.  The DNA equipment

The UDI has previously sent the Embassy the equipment needed to perform the DNA sampling.

You will receive a secured plastic envelope that includes the following equipment:

  • Swabs

  • FTA-card (sample card) placed on a folder with instructions

  • Green, re-sealable plastic bag(s) for samples, marked with the laboratory in Sweden’s address.

Larger envelopes and stickers with the address to the laboratory in Sweden will be sent separately to the Embassy.

We will ask the Embassy to buy plastic gloves and send the invoice to UDI.

If you are missing or are running low on the necessary equipment, we ask that you contact

6.  The DNA sample process

The donor will be asked to give a sample from the mouth. For further instructions, please see “sampling instructions” on the FTA-card folder. We particularly ask the Embassy to note the need to actually rub the swab inside both cheeks, as the goal is to extract cells, not only saliva, from the donor.

Fill out the FTA-card with the following information: individual DUF-number of the donor. Please do not remove the FTA-card from the folder, and please do not seal the FTA-card.

The FTA-card, along with the SDF, photo and copy of any ID document should be placed inside the green, re-sealable plastic bag before sealing the bag.

In cases where more than one donor is being swabbed, please finalize each sample and close the bag before initializing the swab for the next donor, so as to ensure swabs will not be mixed up or tampered with.

If more than one family member is tested, please insert each re-sealable plastic bag into the larger envelope after swabbing. If only one donor is being tested, the green re-sealable plastic bag is sufficient.

The samples should be sent to Dynamic Code, Sweden. You may find stickers with the address in the equipment which previously has been sent to the Embassy. Please use a courier (DHL or equivalent) to send the samples to Dynamic Code.

The invoice for the cost of the carrier - marked with cost code - should be sent to:

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration(UDI)

Oppholdsavdelingen Postboks 8108 Dep.

0032 Oslo Norway

After having sent the samples to Dynamic Code, we ask that you note down that the sample has been collected, including the date, as a note in NORVIS. This way the UDI may be able track the case progress.

7.  Feedback and notification

We ask that any messages and notifications regarding the sampling be sent the UDI electronically by using the post registration - internal message - external message in NORVIS.

8. Further information

If you require further information regarding DNA, please refer to UDI 2010-035.

You are also welcome to contact the UDI with any DNA-related requests via e-mail at

This document describes how to perform paternity or kinship testing by DNA analysis based on sampling buccal swabs on FTA-paper: Reliable Paternity or kinship testing (PDF) (PDF belongs to supplier and does not meet universal design requirements).